AIDS Calgary
Employment Opportunity

Community Developer

Position Summary

This newly-created position provides direct development support to communities or organizations that have been identified as key emergent partners in HIV/AIDS prevention and support efforts. The Community Developer leads the coordination of AIDS Calgary's partnership work locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally. This is a full time position with benefits, reporting to the Executive Director.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assess current partnerships, identify emergent partnerships, and help develop new partnerships as required, in collaboration with the agency's program staff.
  • Provide direct support to communities or organizations that have been identified as key emergent partners in HIV/AIDS prevention and support efforts.
  • Link community development and partnership work, once initiated, to appropriate staff/team at AIDS Calgary.
  • Assist community partners in recognizing the role that they play in the provision of services to people at-risk of or living with HIV/AIDS.
  • Coordinate, monitor, and/or report on AIDS Calgary's local, provincial, national, and international partnership work.
  • In consultation with the agency's management team, set priorities for advocacy and community development activities.
  • Address specific community development requirements within specific local populations - men who have sex with men (MSM); youth; Aboriginals; women; intravenous drug users; people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • Participate in and/or coordinate training workshops and seminars for new staff, practicum students, volunteers, and consumers, as required.
  • Provide information and training as required to the general public.
  • Participate in agency programming team work, including planning, evaluation, funding applications and budgeting, as required.

Education and Experience

The ideal candidate will possess the following: understanding of local, provincial, national, and international issues related to HIV and AIDS; Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, or a degree in a related field; 2-3 years related nonprofit experience; understanding of community development, population health, health promotion and harm reduction approaches; proven experience working in team; leadership and coordination experience.

If you are interested in this employment opportunity, please submit your resumé to:
Kevin Midbo, Executive Director
AIDS Calgary, #200, 1509 Centre Street South, Calgary AB  T2G 2E6
FAX (403) 263-7358
email: [email protected]

Applications will be accepted until Friday August 3rd, 2001, at 4:30 p.m.
Agency replies only to those interviewed. No phone calls please.

Our Mission: To reduce the harm associated with HIV and AIDS for all individuals and communities in the Calgary region.

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Copyright © 1998-2000
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Questions? Send email to [email protected]

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