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Executive Director Recruitment Process


Overview of the Recruiting Process

The Board of Directors of the AIDS Calgary Awareness Association established a Recruitment and Transition Committee, chaired by Board Secretary Terry MacKenzie, to work with staff and our transition consultants, the Calgary Centre For Non-Profit Management.

Our goal was to find a new Executive Director who is well-suited to take the agency into the future.

With the active involvement of the Board and staff, AIDS Calgary continued its important work during the transition period in the first part of 2004.

The Recruitment and Transition Committee was committed to an executive transition process which would strengthen the agency.   To that end, the Board approved a set of guiding principles upon which this process was based. These can be accessed below as: "Hallmarks of the Recruiting Process".

Looking at our strengths and challenges from a variety of perspectives was the reason for our Community Consultation as we determined what skills we need in a new Executive Director. We connected with many of our volunteers, clients, funders, and community supporters through surveys, personal calls and focus groups.

In March AIDS Calgary announced its search for a new Executive Director, a person who will continue the fine work which is a legacy of the past 20 years.

The Board and staff remain pleased with the ongoing support and encouragement to AIDS Calgary and its people as they engage in the important work of fulfilling our mission: to reduce the harm associated with HIV and AIDS for all individuals and communities in the Calgary region.

For further information about our process, please refer to the following:

•  Timeline of the 2004 Recruiting process

•  Hallmarks of the Recruiting Process

•  Results of the Community Consultation in February - March 2004

    (will be available shortly)

•  Applying for the Executive Director position at AIDS Calgary

•  Final report of the Recruitment and Transition Committee

    (will be available shortly)

•  Announcement of new Executive Director

Members of the Recruitment and Transition Committee are:

Committee Chairman:

Terry MacKenzie, Secretary, Board of Directors

Stephen Bateman , Chairman, Board of Directors

Gerry McConnery, Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors

Kathleen O'Reilly, Board of Directors

Tracy Pazdor, Board of Directors

Le-Ann Dolan, Community Developer, AIDS Calgary

Susan Smed, Event Matters

Consultants are Carlo Jensen and Bruce Meyers of the Calgary Centre For Non-Profit Management.

Contact with the Committee may be made by calling AIDS Calgary at 508-2500. Please ask to have Terry MacKenzie contact you.