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Briefing Document & Fact Sheet Archive

Epidemiology of HIV

Briefing Documents

Present information about emerging issues related to HIV/AIDS

#33 HIV and Men

#32 HIV and Microbicides

#31 HIV and Mental Illness

#30 HIV in Global Perspective

#29 HIV/AIDS and Disclosure and Confidentiality

#28 HIV/AIDS and Alternative and Complimentary Therapies

#27 HIV/AIDS and Immigrants

#26 HIV/AIDS and Sex Trade Workers

#25 HIV/AIDS and Older Persons

#24 HIV/AIDS and Women

#23 HIV/AIDS and Disability Benefits

#22 HIV and Sexual Assault

#21 The Language of AIDS

#20 HIV and Substance Abuse

#19 HIV and the Workplace

#18 It's All Relative: Families and HIV

#17 Youth and HIV/AIDS

#16 AIDS in Prison

#15 Aboriginals and HIV/AIDS




Fact Sheets

Present a brief version of the information contained in the Briefing Documents.

#32 HIV and Microbicides

#31 HIV and Mental Illness

#30 HIV in Global Perspective

#29 HIV/AIDS and Disclosure and Confidentiality

#28 HIV/AIDS and Alternative and Complimentary Therapies

#27 HIV/AIDS and Immigrants

#26 HIV/AIDS and Sex Trade Workers

#25 HIV/AIDS and Older Persons

#24 HIV/AIDS and Women

#23 HIV/AIDS and Disability Benefits

#22 HIV and Sexual Assault

#21 The Language of AIDS

#20 HIV and Substance Abuse

#19 HIV and the Workplace

#18 Families and HIV

#16 AIDS in Prison

#15 Aboriginals and HIV/AIDS

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Copyright � 1998-2002
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Web: www.aidscalgary.org
Questions? Send email to [email protected]

Read about this web site. Created & maintained by Humantec Consulting. Comments about the site can be sent to Humantec Consulting.

Thanks to Shane H, our first Web volunteer, for getting us started.