HIV/AIDS is unique. In our community, HIV carries an unprecedented social stigma. Where there should be compassion for a group of people experiencing a serious illness, instead we often find fear, anger, blame and discrimination. Friends and family turn their backs. People are fired from their jobs, evicted from their housing and refused health and dental services. The result is devastating. Isolating. Heartbreaking.
AIDS Calgary believes in the dignity and human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Calgary knows that in order to create effective HIV prevention, testing, treatment and support programs it is essential that we address stigma, discrimination and human rights abuses in our community. Since 2002, AIDS Calgary has been a leader in promoting the rights of people living with HIV and providing rights-based services and information.
Counseling: AIDS Calgary provides counseling support to people living with HIV who have experienced discrimination.
Filing Complaints: AIDS Calgary provides support individuals who wish to make a complaint against someone who has discriminated against them. We will assist in identifying the best complaint option for your situation and help you through each step of the process.
Workshops: AIDS Calgary provides workshops on HIV, Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights. Specialized workshops or resources for people living with HIV, health and social service professionals and other groups are available by request.
Resources: AIDS Calgary has worked in partnership with the Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA+C) to create an educational resource for dentists,
Breaking Barriers: HIV/AIDS and the Dental Patient.
Fact Sheets: AIDS Calgary has developed a series of fact sheets and briefing documents addressing HIV and human rights in Alberta. These include information on human rights in employment, housing, accessing health services and filing complaints.
For more information visit our Fact Sheets.
AIDS Calgary uses an evidence-based approach to the work that we do. We base our programming on community-based research and document the effectiveness of our work. See below for human rights related research.