To be eligible for prize packages, participants
must submit their donation forms and donations to AIDS Calgary no later than September 20,
1999. AIDS Calgary is located at: Suite 200, 1509 - Centre Street South, Calgary, Alberta,
T2G 2E6. For more information call 541-WALK.
Early Bird Prizes
All walkers who register by 5pm local time on Wednesday September 1, 2024 will be
entered in a random draw for a return trip for two to any destination in North America
served by Canadian Airlines, departing from the closest Canadian Airlines gateway.
Calgary's Top Walker
The walker who raises the most money will receive a return trip for two to any destination
in North America served by Canadian Airlines.
Calgary's 2nd Walker
The walker who raises the second highest amount will receive gift certificates from Club
Monaco and Red Devil restaurant.
1500 Club
The first five walkers to submit donations over $1500 will receive a complete SONY web TV
package, including two months of web TV service.
Raise $500
Walkers who raise $500 or more will receive a limited edition 1999 AIDS Walk t-shirt and
gift certificates from The Cheese Cake Café and Aldo shoes.
Raise $300
Walkers who raise $300 or more will receive a limited edition 1999 AIDS Walk t-shirt and
gift certificates from Fabutan and McDonalds restaurants.
Calgary's Top Pet
Walkers are encouraged to bring their pets for a great day of walking, fun and
entertainment. All participants who register their pets will receive a gift courtesy of
Mountain Bones - Bakery for Dogs. The Pet that raises the most money will receive a gift
basket courtesy of Mountain Bones - Bakery for Dogs.
Canada's Top Four Walkers
Walkers who collect and submit the highest total dollar amount from the Prairies region
will win, courtesy of Canadian Airlines, a return trip for two to any destination in the
world served by Canadian Airlines, departing from the closest Canadian Airlines gateway.
Top Team Trophy
Glaxo Wellcome and BioChem Pharma have donated a trophy to AIDS Canada for the corporate
or private sector team with the best collective turn-out in Canada. Walkers can be at many
different locations across the country. Each of your teams must be registered with a local
AIDS Walk to ensure their inclusion in this national challenge. The trophy will be awarded
at a media event this fall. |