Get Out and Walk!

AIDS Walk '99
In support of AIDS Calgary

Sunday, September 26, 2024
Eau Claire Plaza

Click here to get a Donation Form

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In cities across Canada on Sunday, September 26th, Canadians are hitting the pavement to show their support. This year marks the fifth national AIDS Walk Canada and you can help to make it the best yet!

Money raised from this event will go towards helping those infected and affected by HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). It is estimated that over 45,000 people in Canada have been infected by HIV already. It is also estimated that 12,000 additional people are infected and don't know it. It is 1999, the edge of the millennium, and there is still no cure. Your support and donations can make a difference.

So come down to Eau Claire Plaza and join thousands of other Canadians across Canada and walk! You can gather donations. You can make a donation. If you are part of a business, you can walk as a team. Or you can just show up and walk – all you need is a minimum of $20 in donations! Every bit of support you offer will make a difference in our collective fight against AIDS!

Collecting Donations is Easy…
  • Set yourself a goal! Last year many walkers raised more than $300 each.
  • Plan to get a large donation on your donation form’s first line. People are influenced by what others have already given!
  • Many companies match charitable donations raised by their employees. Check to see if your employer has a matching-gifts policy and ask for the necessary forms.
  • Please make sure all information (including a mailing address and phone number) on the donation form is complete and legible. We use this information to send out tax receipts.
  • Collect as much money as you can up-front and turn it all in at one time. This will save you the hassle of gathering the money after the event!
  • Try to collect your donations in cheques made out to AIDS Calgary. This will save you the headache of having to deal with cash.
  • Remember to tell your donators that all donations over $20 will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Put Together an AIDS Walk Team!
Last year walkers across Canada raised over $3,000,000. Many were walking as part of a team formed at their company, school, place of worship, club or community group. This year, we invite you and your friends to start an AIDS Walk team. A team is any group of people who choose to enjoy the Walk together. It can include company co-workers or organization members, family and friends. Don’t forget to organize your team with banners or matching uniforms for a team photo at registration!

Walkers with pets are encouraged to bring their pets out for a great day of fun and entertainment. All participants who register their pets will receive a gift courtesy of Mountain Bones - Bakery for Dogs.

Prize Information
To be eligible for prize packages, participants must submit their donation forms and donations to AIDS Calgary no later than September 20, 1999. AIDS Calgary is located at: Suite 200, 1509 - Centre Street South, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 2E6.

For more information call 541-WALK.

Early Bird Prizes
All walkers who register by 5pm local time on Wednesday September 1, 2024 will be entered in a random draw for a return trip for two to any destination in North America served by Canadian Airlines, departing from the closest Canadian Airlines gateway.

Calgary's Top Walker
The walker who raises the most money will receive a return trip for two to any destination in North America served by Canadian Airlines.

Calgary's 2nd Walker
The walker who raises the second highest amount will receive gift certificates from Club Monaco and Red Devil restaurant.

1500 Club
The first five walkers to submit donations over $1500 will receive a complete SONY web TV package, including two months of web TV service.

Raise $500
Walkers who raise $500 or more will receive a limited edition 1999 AIDS Walk t-shirt and gift certificates from The Cheese Cake Café and Aldo shoes.

Raise $300
Walkers who raise $300 or more will receive a limited edition 1999 AIDS Walk t-shirt and gift certificates from Fabutan and McDonalds restaurants.

Calgary's Top Pet
Walkers are encouraged to bring their pets for a great day of walking, fun and entertainment. All participants who register their pets will receive a gift courtesy of Mountain Bones - Bakery for Dogs. The Pet that raises the most money will receive a gift basket courtesy of Mountain Bones - Bakery for Dogs.

Canada's Top Four Walkers
Walkers who collect and submit the highest total dollar amount from the Prairies region will win, courtesy of Canadian Airlines, a return trip for two to any destination in the world served by Canadian Airlines, departing from the closest Canadian Airlines gateway.

Top Team Trophy
Glaxo Wellcome and BioChem Pharma have donated a trophy to AIDS Canada for the corporate or private sector team with the best collective turn-out in Canada. Walkers can be at many different locations across the country. Each of your teams must be registered with a local AIDS Walk to ensure their inclusion in this national challenge. The trophy will be awarded at a media event this fall.

Walk Information
5 km and 8 km

Sunday September 26th, 1999

Day’s Events

8:30 - 10:30 am

10:30 am

11:00 am

12:30 pm


Official Warm Up by the YMCA

Walk Starts

After Walk Event

Eau Claire Plaza

There will be tents with entertainment, water, food and washrooms throughout the routes.

5 km route - about 1 hr • 8 km route - about 1.5 hrs

There are many other events happening down at Eau Claire Market that day so come early!

About AIDS Calgary
AIDS Calgary was founded in 1983 in response to the emerging AIDS crisis in Calgary. Over the past 16 years, the agency has become a community leader in HIV/AIDS work offering:
  1. Support services to those living with and affected by the disease.
  2. Community outreach which targets populations at risk of infection.
  3. Information to the general population about HIV/AIDS.

While the HIV epidemic continues to change globally, AIDS Calgary's mission remains unchanged: we work to promote life enhancing choices and supportive environments for persons living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS.

AIDS Calgary would like to thank all sponsors. Their support is vital to this event.
Local Sponsors National Sponsors
Artichoke Design Ltd.

Calgary 7

New Ad

The Event Group





The Event Network


Mountain Bones

Royal Bank Financial Group

Calgary Herald

The Cheesecake Cafe

Canadian Airlines

Are listed on the Canadian AIDS
Society web site



Société canadienne
du sida

in partnership with community AIDS organizations across Canada /
en collaboration avec les organismes communautaires de lutte
contre le sida de toutes les régions du pays.

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Questions? Send email to [email protected].

AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St. South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Email: [email protected]

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Copyright © 1998-2000 AIDS Calgary Awareness Association

Created & maintained by Humantec Consulting. About this web site.
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Comments about this site can be sent to Colleen Lauinger: [email protected]
Thanks to Shane H, our first Web volunteer, for getting us started.