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  Fact Sheet
HIV/AIDS and Disability Benefits

This Fact Sheet explores issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and Disability Benefits, including the benefits, eligibility, and application processes involved in AISH and CPP Disability Benefits, the transition from CPP or AISH to the workplace, additional programs for those not eligible for AISH and CPP, and the AIDS Calgary Greenbough Fund.

Fact Sheet #23 is one of an on-going series. Visit the catalogue of Briefing Documents and Fact Sheets.

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The Fact Sheets are created by AIDS Calgary Awareness Association

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Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)

"The Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program will provide financial and medical benefits to you if you are an adult with a permanent disability that severely impairs your ability to earn a livelihood" (http://www.gov.ab.ca/hre/

AISH benefits amount to a maximum of $855 per month, including a $5 drug plan co-payment. Prescription drug, dental, optical, and ambulance coverage is provided for AISH recipients and their dependants.

AISH Eligibility

To be eligible for AISH, the applicant must have an Alberta Health Care card , have a severe, permanent disability which limits the ability to earn a living, have searched for, accepted, and not quit reasonable work, have taken any training, rehabilitation, or medication which would help him or her work, have an income or assets not exceeding program limits, and be between the ages of 18 and 65. Applicants cannot be residing in an institution which provides for all their needs (such as an Alberta mental hospital).

How to Apply for AISH

An AISH application process is comprised of a pre-application, assets assessment and screening, a full application form, a physician's report, a personal interview, and the decision process. The information required in the application includes medical and work history, his or her ability to work, and what kind of work he or she may be able to do.

Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits pay a monthly pension to disabled people (and their dependants) who have contributed to the plan. The average monthly payment in June of 1999 was $676.33 and the maximum payment was $903.55.

CPP Disability Eligibility

In order to qualify for CPP Disability Benefits an applicant must have contributed to the CPP for four of the last six years, have a severe and prolonged physical or mental disability, and be between the ages of 18 and 65.

How To Apply for CPP Disability Benefits

To apply for CPP Disability Benefits, the applicant must submit a work history and medical questionnaire, a medical report to be filled out by a physician, and a consent form that CPP may use to obtain additional information.

AISH and CPP - Do They Work Together?

CPP and AISH can be collected simultaneously, however every dollar collected from CPP reduces AISH benefits by one dollar.

The Transition From CPP or AISH to the Workforce

CPP will continue paying benefits while the recipient attends school or volunteers as long as she or he has not regained the ability to work. If he or she does return to work, benefits will continue for three months and his or her file will be kept open for one year. The individual's application will be fast-tracked if the same disability prevents him or her from working once again. The transition between AISH and employment based coverage is made smoother by continued benefits the two year trial work period during which your AISH file remains active.

For Those Not Eligible for AISH or CPP

For those who do not qualify for AISH, there are alternate programs available, such as Alberta Blue Cross drug coverage, short-term sickness benefits from the Employment Insurance Program, Supports for Independence (social welfare) programs, and basic medical equipment and supplies from Alberta Aids to Daily Living.

The Greenbough Fund

A number of agencies offer emergency assistance for those in short term need. The Greenbough Fund is the most relevant of these for purposes here, helping people with HIV/AIDS through financial crises affecting housing, health, and/or support. The Fund is divided into two categories of need; emergency assistance and quality of life assistance.

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AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Web: www.aidscalgary.org
Questions? Send email to [email protected]

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