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The Most Important Thing You Need to Know

The most important thing you need to know about HIV and AIDS is how you get it, and how you don't.

AIDS is caused by a virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV for short. This virus attacks the immune system and is passed from one person to another in very specific ways. The virus can live in blood, semen, pre-cum, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Saliva, tears, sweat and urine can have the virus in them, but in such small concentrations that nobody has ever been infected through them. However, if any body fluid is mixed with blood, the risk of transmission exists.

The HIV virus must get into the bloodstream in order to infect you. If it doesn't get into the bloodstream, you will not get the infection.

There are 3 common ways for these fluids to enter the bloodstream. One, through unprotected sexual intercourse. Two, through sharing of needles and syringes. And three, a mother can pass the virus on to her baby while she is pregnant or while delivering the baby. Unprotected sexual intercourse is by far the most common way of getting HIV.

No matter what the circumstances are, if infected blood, semen, pre-cum or vaginal secretions get into your blood system, you are at risk for HIV infection. A person carrying HIV does not look any different. Anyone can have the virus. It does not care about age, race or whether a person is straight or gay. It is what a person does that is important; not who a person is. Many people may have HIV and not even know they have it. Because everyone is potentially at risk, knowing how to protect yourself is very important. But remember, other sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, can be transmitted easier than HIV, so what might be low risk for HIV may be high risk for other STDs.

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Copyright � 1998-2002
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Web: www.aidscalgary.org
Questions? Send email to [email protected]

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Thanks to Shane H, our first Web volunteer, for getting us started.