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Are HIV and AIDS the same thing?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Human means that the virus only infects people. Immunodeficiency means a weakness in your immune system, or that your immune system isn't working properly. A virus is one kind of germ. HIV is a kind of germ that can infect humans and weakens the immune system.

Scientists believe that AIDS and other infections associated with it are caused by HIV. HIV is a fragile virus that cannot survive outside of the body. This is why you cannot be infected from toilet seats, for example, or from sharing dishes or eating utensils. But once HIV takes hold in the body, it starts doing serious damage to the immune system. Often this is inside the body and there are no outside or external signs or symptoms. This is why people who appear perfectly healthy may, without knowing it, be able to transmit the virus to others. Scientists still don't know what percentage of people infected with the virus will develop the disease we know as AIDS. But it is clear that with proper medical treatment, people can protect themselves from deadly AIDS-related infections. Many people infected with HIV live with the virus for many years. Perhaps someday HIV illness will be like diabetes, a manageable chronic illness.

AIDS is the condition believed to be caused by HIV. The virus attacks the immune system, the body's "defense system" that fights off infections. When the immune system breaks down, you lose this protection and can develop many serious, often deadly infections and cancers. These are called opportunistic infections because they take advantage of the body's weakened defense. You may have heard it said that someone "died of AIDS". This is not entirely accurate, since it is the opportunistic infections that cause death. AIDS is the condition that gives them the window of opportunity to take hold.

In summary, the virus, HIV, attacks the immune system over many years. When the person becomes sick, we call it AIDS. The most important things to remember, however, are that: AIDS is preventable; AIDS is not easy to get; and a few precautions can keep you protected.

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AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Web: www.aidscalgary.org
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