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If you have Windows 95 or 98 and IE 4.x, select 1 of the following options:

Windows 95 or 98 with IE 3.x or Netscape:

If you have Windows 3.x, Windows NT or Macintosh, click here to go to the Microsoft site to download the player.

Download/installation instructions:

  1. Click on the appropriate link for your operation system and browser

  2. When prompted, select Save this program to disk and click on OK

  3. In the Save As dialogue check the destination directory -- this is usually C:\Windows\Temp and click on Save

  4. After the download is complete, go to Start, Run and Browse -- find the file you just downloaded (filename is should be mp*.exe), click on it and then click on Open and then OK

  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation

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Questions? Send email to [email protected].

AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St. South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.aidscalgary.org

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Copyright � 1998-2000 AIDS Calgary Awareness Association

Created & maintained by Humantec Consulting. About this web site.
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Comments about this site can be sent to Colleen Lauinger: [email protected]
Thanks to Shane H, our first Web volunteer, for getting us started.