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Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2000


The Quarterly Newsletter of AIDS Calgary
IN Side

Partnerships Abroad:
Sharing Our Expertise

Kevin Midbo, Executive Director
[email protected]

AIDS Calgary is Going International!

We have received a one-year grant jointly sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Canadian Society for International Health. This grant will allow us to form a twinning partnership with the Child Foundation of India, an AIDS service organization located in the city of Visakhapatnam. Both organizations will share their expertise, experience, resources and learn new approaches for programming.

AIDS Calgary staff and board members are very excited about the opportunity to contribute our skills, knowledge, and experience to assist a developing country in the global effort against HIV/AIDS. As well, we expect to learn a great deal from the Child Foundation of India, as they have been providing front-line HIV/AIDS prevention programs since 1985. The project will include training exchanges (or internships) for staff of both organizations. AIDS Calgary will also assist the Child Foundation of India to establish a new program and/or strengthen an existing one(s).

Cindy Fischer, a graduate Social Work student and former staff member, will be visiting the Child Foundation of India from July to October to complete her practicum in International Social Work. Besides learning about international social work practices, Cindy will be representing AIDS Calgary and helping to assess the opportunities for mutual learning and skills-building that would benefit both organizations.

If you have any questions about this new project,
please call San at 508-2500.

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Program Updates

Information & Training
Amy Alexander, Team Leader
[email protected]

Welcome Erin!
We are incredibly fortunate to have Erin Rutherford with us for the summer months. As an intern, Erin will be responsible for researching and writing Briefing Documents and Fact Sheets. But that is not all! Erin will be working with Eileen to get the Resource Centre up and running. Erin is currently a graduate student in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary. She comes to us with a myriad of research experience and has worked as a Research Assistant for The National Health Reform Working Group, The Calgary Domestic Violence Committee and Alexandra Community Health Centre.

Community Training
Workshops for the Winter ‘Training for 2000’ are finished. We had a great session and offered four workshops to 40 participants. The feedback was very rewarding, and has given us good ideas for next year’s training. The new training brochure is still in the development stage; however, we know we will be offering workshops around the themes of HIV and the Aboriginal Population, HIV and Severe Mental Illness, Discrimination and Stigma in the Workplace, HIV in the Workplace, and HIV and the Healthcare Professional. As before, the new workshops will be offered twice during the fall and winter.

As well as presenting workshops, we gave basic HIV/AIDS in-services to over 150 healthcare professionals at staff development sessions. These in-services were well received and participants indicated they would like to attend "Training for 2001" workshops in the fall.

Speakers Network is also winding down for the season as the school semester finishes. Our volunteers have been very dedicated throughout the school year – many have even given speaks weekly. We frequently had more requests than we could handle this year and were looking for more HIV+ people who would like to tell their story in city schools, colleges, and the University of Calgary. If anybody is interested, we would love for you to contact Jo Wood at 508-2500.

New Information: Complementary Therapies
There is a new book put out by CATIE titled "A Practical Guide to Complementary Therapies For People Living with HIV." The book investigates and breaks-down different medical traditions systems such as Ayurvedic medicine, Homeopathy, North American Aboriginal Healing Traditions, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. The book also looks at wellness strategies, unconventional therapies, how to conduct your own research and choose a complementary therapist.
This guide is practical and incredibly resourceful!

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Community Outreach
Laurie Fownes, Team Leader
[email protected]

Coming and Going…
We want to commend Clay Aragon, a previous YouthXChange worker, who dedicated two years working with the Community Outreach team. Clay completed his internship contract in April, 2000. Clay’s ability to reach-out to youth was exceptional and he was a dynamic individual and friend to all those who had the opportunity to work with him. We wish him the best of luck with his new endeavours!

We’d like to officially welcome Jen Olson to Community Outreach! Jen is a full-time outreach worker who works primarily with the YouthXChange program. Jen’s background in social work and her experience in working with youth are a great addition to the agency.

There are also a couple of other new faces in Community Outreach! Agnieszka "Nishy" Wolska and Ray Harrison have both joined the YouthXChange team as interns and we are fortunate to have their great new ideas and skills to mobilize the team in new directions over the next several months.

YouthXChange ‘Zine
Community Outreach is adapting to meet the emerging needs of Calgary’s communities. The focus this summer is on reaching more youth who are street-involved and at high risk of HIV infection. We are currently creating a youth "Zine", a collection of information, poetry, art, and writing created for and by youth. The first edition of the Zine is set to be on the streets in mid-August, with three additional publications planned for this fiscal year.

Theatre on the Streets
Another exciting project set to begin this summer is the Youth Theatre Project. AIDS Calgary staff, volunteers and street-involved youth will create and deliver street-level education around HIV prevention, empowerment of youth, and empowerment about safer sexual behaviours. YouthXChange staff and volunteers, combined with other interested groups, will take the theatre project to areas in Calgary where youth frequent.

Men’s Project
Collin Smith has been working diligently at taking the Mens Project in new directions. A men’s support group has begun to meet weekly on Wednesday evening from 7 pm - 9 pm at Money Pennies. This group provides a safe environment for peer discussion on issues related to male sexuality, health, relationships, etc. Volunteers have contributed a great deal of energy and skill to the project and their contributions have been greatly appreciated.

Immigrant Outreach
The Immigrant Project has expanded and reached a greater number of people over the past couple of months with its focus on educating men, women and international students from other nations. The project has also developed workshops targeted to professionals in the immigration field to break down barriers and increase awareness of the cultural components of HIV/AIDS.

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Garth Goertz, Team Leader
[email protected]

With Gratitude...
Roger Graham completed his contract as a support worker with AIDS Calgary at the end of March. We’d like to acknowledge the years of dedication that Roger Graham gave to Support Services in his various roles. We wish him well in all his future endeavours.

Support has seen some job position changes and some new faces join our team in the past few months. Let me catch you up to speed! Our part-time support position has been replaced by a full-time position that encompasses outreach support as well. This new position has been filled by Jennifer Hebert. For those of you who know Jen, you will be aware of her many accomplishments and involvements in the HIV/AIDS movement. If you were wondering about a specific regional, provincial or national consortium around HIV/AIDS…chances are Jen has been on it! Jen recently completed her diploma in Social Work from Mount Royal College. We welcome her and her tenacity to the Support Team.

We also welcome Mike Code, our Support Intern, who will be with the Support Team for the duration of the summer. Human Resources Development Canada funds this position through its Summer Placement Program. Mike is currently enrolled in the Career Development Certificate Program at the University of Calgary. He brings with him knowledge in career counselling and related areas. Mike joins Jen in creating a comprehensive outreach component to the Support Team. Welcome Mike!

Outreach Initiatives
As HIV infection increases among injection drug users and transient populations, Support Services has expanded its outreach initiatives to reach these populations. Currently, support maintains a weekly presence both at The Calgary Drop-In Centre and Alpha House which allows us to connect with HIV+ individuals and those at high risk of infection who may not otherwise seek our services. Both Jen and Mike provide support and education in health management issues; it is a great way to link individuals with needed resources and to provide them with information about HIV and HIV prevention. Support continues to expand the scope of this project.

Hep C/HIV Support Group
Support also continues to be involved in partnering initiatives. One such initiative is a support group for individuals living with Hep C, HIV or both. AIDS Calgary Support Services works in conjunction with Safeworks to provide facilitation for this group. The group meets on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. at the 8th & 8th Health Clinic.

Community Garden
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen …and go to the garden! The Community Kitchen is expanding its efforts for the summer months. A Community Garden has been established in Victoria Park, across from Victoria Park Community Centre at 1101 - 6 Street S.E. Participants and volunteers of the Community Kitchen will be busy this summer maintaining the garden as well as reaping the benefits of their labours. Please contact Athena Dorey at 508.2500 ext. 316 if you are interested in participating in this worthwhile and exciting project.

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InStride Notes

In Loving Memory...

Terry Fraser
September 27, 2024 - April 4, 2024

Terry Fraser will be dearly missed by the staff, volunteers and clients of AIDS Calgary. Over the past 8 years Terry had selflessly given countless hours to the AIDS Movement, whether by serving on the Board of Directors or as a driving force in Positive Action. We not only recognize his commitment and dedication, but acknowledge the loss of a close friend.

"Ch, Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes…"
AIDS Calgary would like to say good bye to Stephen Entwisle who has worked with the agency as the Communications Coordinator for the last year. Stephen is moving onto a new job as a writer for an internet security firm. Stephen’s energy, doggedness, professionalism and enthusiasm will all be missed. We wish him luck in his future ventures!

The Volunteer Program Coordinator position is one that always seems in a state of flux lately and now is no different. Cindy Fischer took over the job from Jill Russell for the spring and acted as the Interim Volunteer Program Coordinator until the position was permanently filled by Katherine Morton, effective Wednesday June 14th.

Katherine brings with her a wide range of experience, including counselling, teaching, marketing, and professional writing. Her own volunteer experience is diverse – she has volunteered for the Distress Centre, the Association of Japan Exchange and Teaching, and most recently, has spent two years investing a great deal of time and effort toward the success of our Calgary Cares fund-raising events! Additionally, the Volunteer Program Coordinator position has moved from the Information and Training Team to the Operations Team; the coordinator will now report directly to the Executive Director. We look forward to working with Katherine, and expect wonderful things for the volunteer program at AIDS Calgary!

Don't Miss Our AGM
... and the unveiling of our new Mission Statement. AIDS Calgary’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the evening of Monday, September 11th at McDougall Center. Mark your calendar and watch for your invitation in the mail!

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Volunteer Info
Katherine Morton Volunteer Program Coordinator
[email protected]

The AIDS Calgary office is always bustling with volunteers. With a smile and a helpful hand, they are working at Reception, taking care of administrative tasks, and dedicated to various programs. It is nice to have these wonderful people around and to know that so many care about giving their time and energy to AIDS Calgary and the people we serve. We could not exist without our volunteers. Thanks to those of you who attended our Volunteer Appreciation, which was held on April 10th, we hope you enjoyed it!

Please feel free to drop by the office anytime and say hello! I would love to meet you and chat with you about the Volunteer Program. A new feature that will be added to the newsletter is "Question Period." In this space, volunteers are given the opportunity to ask questions pertaining to any topic regarding the agency, programs, opportunities, education, awareness, etc. We would love to hear your questions, suggestions, and comments so email, fax, write, or phone your questions in to us; we will publish them in the newsletter.

TB Screening
Just a reminder that all staff and volunteers of AIDS Calgary are required to have annual TB screening done. Let’s protect those living with HIV/AIDS by getting screened! If you need information regarding TB and where you can be tested, please call AIDS Calgary at 508-2500.


Volunteer Opportunities
For all Volunteer Opportunities please phone Katherine Morton at (403) 508-2500
or email her at [email protected]

As always, AIDS Calgary’s need for volunteers is great, plus volunteering is fun and rewarding!

YouthXChange is out on the streets in full force offering outreach services and support for street-involved youth and can always use extra support.

Men’s Project is currently looking for volunteers. This project is operated in partnership with the Gay and Lesbian Community Service Association and targets men who have sex with men in Calgary. The focus of the outreach is to provide information on HIV and the tools to prevent transmission of the virus. Much of the outreach is conducted in parks and also in cooperation with local gay businesses to develop and deliver HIV prevention messages.

AIDS Calgary Elbow River Inn Casino planning is well underway and we need volunteers for both day and night shifts on September 17th and 18th. If you’re interested in working with $$$ and gambling chips please contact us.

AIDS Walk 2000 is on the run! Are you participating? Are you interested in volunteering? Great progress is being made on this year’s upcoming AIDS Walk. The AIDS Walk Committee is working furiously on many different initiatives. Look for a greater push this year at many community events with volunteers handing out pledge forms, handbills and information. The walk will take place on September 24th at Eau Claire Plaza. AIDS Calgary volunteers can look forward to a special AIDS Calgary Volunteer Recruitment Prize for the volunteer who can bring out the most new walkers - volunteers will receive more information about this great contest in the mail. It’s never too early to start recruiting walkers or gathering together a team!

Calgary Cares 2001 is AIDS Calgary’s premier fundraiser, and has become one of Calgary’s most exciting and anticipated social events of the year. Held in March, it is a fashion gala that features the design talent of premier designers, Calgary Cares is a party not to be missed. Refreshments and food are provided by some of Calgary’s finest restaurants and beverage companies. All proceeds from this event remain in Calgary to help AIDS Calgary offer HIV/AIDS support services and prevention education. Executive Committee positions are currently being filled. The following Chairperson positions are available: Tickets • Sponsorship • Food & Beverage Volunteers • Fundraising: Balloon Burst • Fundraising: Silent Auction

If you are interested in volunteering for Calgary Cares but cannot commit as an Executive Committee member, we still need you! Whether you can volunteer in terms of planning or simply on the day of the event, your help is always appreciated.


Volunteer Training

The Volunteer Program has been busy in the last few months as new volunteers have been accepted and are engaging in training. The Fall 2000 Core Training Workshop schedule is as follows. These workshops are open to everyone.

Volunteer Orientation and Introduction to AIDS Calgary
Tuesday, September 12, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday, November 7, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Challenging Stereotypes
Thursday, September 14, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Thursday, November 9, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Safer Sex & HIV/AIDS
Tuesday, September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday, November 14, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Living with HIV/AIDS
Thursday, September 21, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Thursday, November 16, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm

To register for any of these workshops please contact Eileen at 508-2500. If you register and need to cancel, please contact us and let us know in advance. Thanks!

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Fund Development

Calgary Cares
Calgary Cares went well this year. The fashion/theatrical gala, the dance party after, the mingling and schmoozing before, the free food and drink from some of the Calgary’s best restaurants (all donated!) was spectacular and a real step up from the preceding years. The event grossed just over $70,000 this year. We are already taking a look at how to increase ticket sales next year. Calgary Cares was a great awareness raising event and a great community celebration in support of HIV/AIDS work.

We would like to extend a special thanks to the Calgary Cares Executive Committee for all the time they volunteered; their help was instrumental for the success of this event. Also, we would like to thank and recognize all the sponsors that helped make Calgary Cares 2000 happen.

Gold Sponsors:
MAC Cosmetics, The Idea Machine

Silver Sponsor:
Canadian Airlines

Bronze Sponsors:
SMED International, Trojan Condoms, Merck Frosst, Clearnet

MMP Incorporated, Ticket Master, Feroshus, Outlooks, The Event Network, The Event Group, The Bay

Media Sponsors:
Calgary Herald, Lite 96 CHFM, Western Living & In Calgary, Calgary Magazine, FFWD Magazine, NewAd Media, A Channel, Go Card Postcards

A Little Old Thing Called Donating
As both a non-profit and a charity organization, AIDS Calgary depends heavily on the Calgary community for support and for donations. However, when we think of donations, many of us only think of the giving of cash or a cheque. Donating can take on many different and equally beneficial forms.

People can donate their time to the organization as a volunteer (volunteerism makes up the largest donation to AIDS Calgary every year). You can also donate goods and/or services to the agency. An example of donatable goods would be things such as canned goods for our community kitchen, grocery vouchers for the Greenbough fund, artwork for the Calgary Cares silent auction, computer monitors, laptops and the list can go as far as your imagination. Examples of donatable services would include hairstyling or carpentry services for Calgary Cares or maybe design work for the AIDS Walk poster or the ‘Training for 2001’ brochure. The lists go on. Although there are government regulations we have to follow when giving a tax receipt for gifts, anything of value you give will help.

If you are interested in donation possibilities, please give us a call. We would love to help you figure out the best way to help out!

Third Party Fundraisers
AIDS Calgary has been thankful to experience a whole rash of third-party fundraisers in the last couple of months. These fundraisers are organized voluntarily by businesses and community members with all proceeds from the events, or a percentage, going to AIDS Calgary. We would like to extend a special thanks to Tara Kozak for her long-time support and for putting on latest fashion fundraiser Frock You! - another in the series of fashion fundraisers she has been organizing on our behalf over the past years. Kittens & Creeps clothing on 17th and The Plaza theatre were both instrumental in the success of this fundraiser.

Thanks also to The Calgary Straight for a portion of the proceeds from its second anniversary party at the Night Gallery!

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Go Surfing!
Check out these web sites…

This document is designed for parents of children aged 8-12. It is designed to support parents who wish to speak to their children about HIV/AIDS. The document provides suggestions for parents, questions children might ask, where to get accurate information, tips for creating a comfortable environment for speaking about HIV/AIDS and tips for making the information age appropriate.

This is an award-winning comic book written by a cartoonist living with HIV. Topics include living with HIV/AIDS, advocacy, political action and harm prevention all presented in a very accessible, funny format. *This is an adult comic book*

This site uses new technology to document and archive the work of artists living with or lost to HIV. The site includes a virtual collection and a curated exhibit.

Web Med Lit provides daily searches of the web for newly released HIV/AIDS information in medical journals. This site also provides an option to have daily updates sent by e-mail.

This site from the Food and Drug Administration contains important information about drug interactions between St. John’s Wort, Indinavir and other retroviral agents.

The Health Initiative For Youth (HIFY) site includes a ‘zine and many youth appropriate links. Over the past eight years, HIFY’s youth/adult partnership has taken a leadership role in the battle against adolescent HIV and the many health needs of young people.


Global Clips

Ethics and Vaccine Research
"The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) released a new set of international ethical guidelines on HIV vaccine research. The guidelines are seen as particularly important for developing countries, where many future vaccine trials are expected to take place.

" ‘It is becoming evident that in the long term, a vaccine may offer the best hope of controlling the AIDS epidemic, especially in developing countries,’ said Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS. ‘It is our collective responsibility to ensure that all vaccine trials are conducted under the strictest possible ethical and scientific standards.’ "

(UNAIDS Press Release. February 28, 2000.

"The worldwide search for an HIV vaccine received a boost as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced funding of nine U.S. clinical units of the new HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN). The HVTN, expected to be fully established within a month, will provide a comprehensive, clinically based network to develop and test preventive HIV vaccines."

" ‘This NIAID network creates a coordinated, global framework in which to conduct clinical HIV vaccine research,’ says NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. ‘The HVTN will strengthen and expand our HIV vaccine studies both domestically and in countries devastated by the AIDS pandemic.’ "

Broadening Access
"The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) announced that a new dialogue has begun between five pharmaceutical companies and United Nations organizations to explore ways to accelerate and improve the provision of HIV/AIDS-related care and treatment in developing countries. The pharmaceutical companies involved have indicated their willingness to work with other stakeholders to find ways to broaden access to care and treatment, while ensuring rational, affordable, safe and effective use of drugs for HIV/AIDS related illnesses. The companies are offering, individually, to improve significantly access to, and availability of, a range of medicines. Other pharmaceutical companies have also expressed interest in cooperating in this endeavour."
(UNAIDS Press Release. May 11, 2000. http://www.unaids.org/whatsnew/press/eng/geneva110500.html)

Canadian Drug Approval Time Lags
"Canadian AIDS activists, frustrated over a lack of access to the newer antiretroviral drugs that are available in the US and Europe, challenged the government to shorten drug approval time and to make sweeping changes during an national drug summit here. ‘The government has turned a blind eye to those of us with AIDS by not allowing us to have the drugs we need,’ said Louise Binder, Co-chair of the Canadian Treatment Advocates Council.

‘Currently, drug approval time in Canada for drugs like the newer protease inhibitors is almost double that of the US,’ said AIDS researcher Dr Mark Wainberg, President of the International AIDS Society. Dr Wainberg added that governmental indifference and lack of support is leading to what he called ‘scientific brain drain,’ with researchers moving to ‘greener pastures.’
(Reuters Health. May 25, 2000.

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Questions? Send email to [email protected].

AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Suite 200, 1509 Centre St. South
Calgary, AB T2G 2E6
Tel: (403) 508-2500, Fax: (403) 263-7358
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.aidscalgary.org

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Copyright � 1998-2000 AIDS Calgary Awareness Association

Created & maintained by Humantec Consulting. About this web site.
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Comments about this site can be sent to Colleen Lauinger: [email protected]
Thanks to Shane H, our first Web volunteer, for getting us started.