Myth 2

HIV is only a Gay Man's Disease

-The proportions of youth, women, Aboriginal people, injection drug users, and heterosexual people becoming infected with HIV have increased.-

In the 1980s HIV/AIDS was a disease that primarily affected gay men. However, the face of HIV/AIDS has changed considerably over the past decade. The proportions of youth, women, Aboriginal people, injection drug users, and heterosexual people becoming infected with HIV have increased dramatically.

  • From 1985-1994 men who have sex with men made up 74.6% of all positive HIV tests in Canada. In 1997 they made up only 37.6% of all positive tests. In 1999, these figures remain stable.
  • From 1985 - 1994 women made up 9.8% of all positive HIV tests in Canada. In 1999 they made up 23.9% of all positive tests.
  • From 1985-1994 injection drug users made up 8.4% of all positive HIV tests. In 1999 they made up 28.9% of all positive tests.
  • From 1985-1994 people who engaged only in heterosexual sex made up 7.4% of all positive tests in Canada. In 1999 the same group made up 28.3% of all positive tests.
  • Despite making up only 4% of the Canadian population, Aboriginal persons accounted for more than 10.9% of HIV cases in 1999.

It is important to remember that HIV infection has nothing to do with what or who you are but with what you do. HIV is NOT spread by insect bites, toilets seats, food handling, hugs and kisses. HIV is spread through high-risk behaviors-especially unprotected sexual intercourse and sharing needles. Remember, HIV does not discriminate-everyone is susceptible. (All numbers according to Health Canada HIV/AIDS & STD EPI Updates: May, 1999).
