The following video clips were taken from Killing Time, a documentary that explores HIV/AIDS from a youthful perspective.

Produced in 1999 and hosted by Moist, it was honored by the Alberta Motion Picture Industry Association with the award for Best Documentary
Under 30 Minutes.

Killing Time challenges viewers to think and talk about such issues as getting tested and using protection to prevent infection.

A full version of the video is available through the AIDS Calgary library.

Clip #1: self respect, choices

Play HI bandwidth
(1,958 KB)
Play LO bandwidth (1,137 KB)

  Marilane, Outreach Worker
Clip #2: how you get HIV

Play HI bandwidth (1,666 KB)
Play LO bandwidth (169 KB)

Clip #3: not just a gay disease

Play HI bandwidth (1,406 KB)
Play LO bandwidth (187 KB)

Special thanks to:
The youth for sharing their views and experiences. Dan Holinda, Sedgwick Insurance, David Kines, Tim Hollings, BoysTown Metro, Scott Bayley, The Attic, The Wharehouse, Western Canada High School, Pierre Tremblay, Frasier Hill, Nettwerk Management, Colleen Novak, Alberta Safe House,
Teresa Winckler.

Video clips digitized by Multimedia Solutions, Inc.