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Whether the meeting place is a park, school or community centre, AIDS Calgary is ready to share information on
HIV/AIDS and its prevention throughout the Calgary region.


HIV Education and Awareness Today - is a program designed to address HIV/STI education, awareness and prevention. HEAT engages the MSM community by providing specific education in support of HIV/STI prevention and health promotion – through outreach, development workshops and online.


Utilizing a harm reduction and rights based approach, Shift works with adults involved in the sex trade to assist in improving quality of life and reaching individualized goals.
Click here for the Nov 2008 Bad Date Sheet

Visit Shift's website at shiftcalgary.org

Outreach Services

Provides support and education at various locations including shelters, on the street, addiction centres, and the Safeworks van.

Prison Project

Provides support services and information sessions within the prison


Women's Project

Support, outreach and special events focused on women.

Aimed at high-risk, street-involved youth, this outreach, support and education program targets youth agencies, youth events and on the street. Workers and volunteers visit the streets and speak with youth about HIV and AIDS, sharing prevention messages and connecting them to the resources they need for safety,
food and shelter.