At the United Nations General
Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS in June 2001, a Declaration
of Commitment was adopted to guide a global response to HIV/AIDS
for the next decade.
Endorsing the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment
Endorsing the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS means that
AIDS Calgary agrees with and supports the overall thrust and aim of
UNGASS. Our agency has been supported in this endorsement by the International
Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO).
By endorsing UNGASS, AIDS
Calgary is able to show continued leadership and commitment to a global
response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
here to view the English Version of Canada’s In-Country
Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the
UNGASS Declaration of Commitment. Click
here for the French Version.
UNGASS in Alberta
Working Group
here to view Simply Using UNGASS, a document created by
the Working Group to assist organizations in implementing UNGASS.
Canadian UNGASS Network
In an attempt to operationalize
the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment in Canada, the Canadian UNGASS
Network has been formed. If you would like information and/or
assistance with implementing UNGASS in your organization please contact
one or more of the members.
here to view the list of individuals and organizations from across
Canada who are forming a collective effort to work with UNGASS.
If you would like to join
the UNGASS Network, please contact
Dolan, Community Developer at AIDS Calgary.
UNGASS in Action
at AIDS Calgary
Currently AIDS Calgary is responding to the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment
in the following areas:
- Leadership - Encouraging and working toward the development
of community based approaches and plans to address HIV/AIDS. AIDS
Calgary is an active member of many coalitions and organizations on
local, provincial and national levels. We are involved in international
development work
including twinning projects, internships and technical assistance
- Care Support and Treatment - AIDS Calgary is actively involved
with the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS. All staff are dedicated to
program delivery and advocacy initiative
for increased care, support and treatment for those living with HIV/AIDS.
- HIV/AIDS and Human Rights - AIDS Calgary currently has a human
rights worker addressing stigma and discrimination experienced by
those living with HIV/AIDS.
- Reducing Vulnerability - AIDS Calgary is working on specific
initiatives targeting gender, youth, injection drug use, and aboriginal
issues. We offer support and resources locally and around the world
to reduce vulnerability of those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
- Alleviating Social and Economic Impact - AIDS Calgary is involved
in initiatives that address the determinants of health (i.e. poverty,
housing, nutrition). We are currently seeking to build a volunteer
base of lawyers that can help to address the legal aspects of HIV/AIDS
(ie. workplace rights).
- Research and Development - AIDS Calgary is driven by evidence
based practice. We strive to share our community-based research findings
across Canada and globally.
- HIV/AIDS in Conflict and Disaster Affected Regions - In February
2003, we completed Phase I of an international Technical Assistance
mission between AIDS Calgary and the Kosovo Ministry of Health. AIDS
Calgary provided technical expertise on a 5-year strategic plan on
HIV/AIDS awareness strategies.
- Resources - AIDS Calgary is actively campaigning for an increase
of resources to the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS.
- Follow-up - AIDS Calgary is committed to sharing the UNGASS
Declaration of Commitment widely. We are currently developing an evaluation
strategy to ensure our organization follows through on our commitment.
This will also enable us to share our experiences. In November 2003,
AIDS Calgary collaboratively launched the Canadian UNGASS Network.
For more information on AIDS Calgary’s efforts to endorse and implement
the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment, please contact us at [email protected].