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Our work at AIDS Calgary is based on two realities.

The first is that AIDS is preventable. That's why we collect and distribute current information about AIDS and its prevention. It's also why, through our community outreach programs, we take an active role in communicating with high-risk groups and in partnering with others in the community on education and prevention.

The second reality is that there are many people in our community who are living with or are affected by HIV/AIDS. We provide them with a range of practical support services so they can live a better quality of life.

Our client services team has a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS. These trained professionals have a thorough understanding of HIV/AIDS and related issues such as addiction, mental health and harm reduction.

To register as a client and access our support programs please call us at 403-508-2500 or send us an email at [email protected].