About this Web Site Concept and design by Colleen Lauinger, Humantec Consulting. The design of this web site is inspired by two primary influences. The Quilt In times past, it was common in North America for people to gather together to sew old scraps of fabric together to make a type of blanket called a quilt. Working together toward a common goal enhanced their sense of community. The quilt itself was a work of art which also provided warmth and comfort. Today, friends and loved ones of persons who have died of AIDS often choose to find comfort in a time of grief by gathering together to make a panels for an AIDS memorial quilt. The Medicine Wheel Aboriginal communities have traditionally sought direction through their relationship with nature and spiritual connections. The Medicine Wheel is one of the means these communities use to ensure that their pursuits have a clear path to follow and that their efforts are balanced. A Medicine Wheel depicts the four directions: North (winter), East (spring), South (summer) and West (autumn). Although the colors and animals associated with the four spokes of the wheel may vary slightly, the directions are always associated with the seasons.
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Read about this web site. Created & maintained by Humantec Consulting. Comments about the site can be sent to Humantec Consulting. |
Thanks to Shane H, our first Web volunteer, for getting us started. |